Saturday, June 30, 2018


Not content with seeing the ocean in person, this evening we watch Blue Planet on TV:
The morning was spent watching the move Extract on my recommendation. It wasn't as good as I'd remembered, but also not terrible. After lunch, we went to the beach and snorkeled a bit more. The water was rougher and consequently cloudier so the visibility was diminished. We spent most of our time around the pier pilings at the nearest beach:
Afterwards, we spent some time on the beach:
The tall buildings here are ubiquitous and in many ways depress me. Even as I use them, I'm left wondering what was here before and am struck by how wildly unsustainable all of this is and how precarious:

These massive towers are visible as far as the eye can see. Each one contains multitudes, consuming resources and generating waste. And, using massive amounts of electricity:
I enjoy the beach and the time with my family, but whenever I'm in environments like this, I'm left a bit sad.

There's a bridge visible from the balcony of our 23rd story condo with a drawbridge. This afternoon I noticed that it was preparing to open so I did a timelapse:
This is our last full day in the US for a while. Tomorrow evening we fly to Madrid to begin our year in Spain.