Sunday, April 28, 2019

Cathedral Redux

A visit to the Cathedral is a pretty standard trip for us when entertaining visitors. I like going with so much familiarity. I'm not awed and distracted and it allows me to find details I missed before.

First, I gotta say, Christian iconography is not for the faint of heart. This  17th century sculpture of St. John the Baptist's severed head is pretty darn graphic (gotta love that esophagus):

I found a convenient pillar to do some long-exposure shots of Christopher Columbus' tomb:

The sky light in this old Moorish ablutions room was open to the sky for the first time in any of my visits. The brilliant sunshine really changed the character of the normally dark room:

On a whim, I camped in front of this entrance to one of the receiving chambers in the Cathedral and did a timelapse of visitors. I was struck how, if you pay attention, there a little vignettes of stories as each guest passes through the frame:


Laura made a Greek inspired lunch of grilled chicken, hummus, veggies on pita with tiziki. Wonderful! Especially good because she managed to do it with only a Carrefour Express grocery store available (everything else is close because... Sunday). For dinner, we went to 100 Monteditos, pretty good. It's like the White Castle of small sandwiches. Bonus, on Sunday, all of the tiny sandwiches are 1 euro. The three of us managed to eat dinner for about 11 euros, haha.


Today is election day in Spain. The big issue this time around is how the far-right VOX party fares. So far the voter turn out is high, which is always good I suppose.