I walk/run along the river most mornings. Inevitably, on Saturday and Sunday morning, there's an enormous amount of detritus left over from the previous night's parties. Some time I should walk down there at midnight or 1 o'clock:
Also, each morning, there are a number of folks fishing. This morning I got a good look at one of the most common kinds of bait, mealworms (a.k.a. maggots):
The mash handfuls of these into cornmeal balls and use slingshots to hurl the result out into the river near where their fishing lines are. They break up in the water and the fish swarm in a feeding frenzy. The hope is that fish are attracted and excited and will bite the baited hook. Based on some cursory googling, carp seems to be the main type of fish caught in these here parts.
I still haven't heard back from the language school about when my Spanish language class might be starting. They seem to run them on an ad hoc basis once they get enough people to justify a course offering. Since I haven't heard anything, it seems likely that it won't start this week. I'll be in the US at a conference the following week, so I guess it's gonna be a while. I keep plugging away at DuoLingo, and I think it helps, but not with speaking or really listening.
Laura made an excellent chili for lunch today. Plus, lots leftover.
I took out the trash and recycling this evening. On the way back, I took a timelapse of the main street (San Jacinto). Not super busy this sunday evening:
Three loads of laundry today. A load dries on the rooftop clotheslines in about an hour. The little washing machine in the kitchen takes about 90 mins to do a load, so it works out well:
At some point, in the winter, I suspect it's going to take substantially longer, but we'll see.