Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Happy birthday pop.

It's been about 12 years since my dad died, but I always feel it a bit more on May 14th, his birthday. He would have been 83. It's hard for me to imagine what he would've been like as an 83 year old man, but I'm sure it would have been entertaining.


On a whim, I took a selfie of me doing a side plank in the gym:

I like how weird my arm looks.


As our time here nears its conclusion, I keep wanting to capture some of the sights I saw every day. This picture of San Jacinto as I walk out of our side street is a view I saw hundreds of times this year:


Referring back to my homework assignment from Spanish class yesterday, I found this sign that prohibits public urination on our street:

The graphic is pretty clever.