Friday, November 23, 2018

Moroccan Exchange

One of Rachel's roommates from the University of Miami, Emily, is on a two-year teaching contract in Casablanca, Morocco. During her Thanksgiving break, she and her roommate, Renee, have been traveling around Spain. They are wrapping up their visit here in Sevilla and staying with us until Sunday morning when they fly back to Morocco. They arrived by train from Madrid this morning. I went over to the train station and "picked them up". Since we don't actually have a car, this means I took the bus to the train station, met them as they got off the train, and rode the bus with them back home.

They decompressed in our flat for a few hours while I did some work. Does this happen to anyone else when they work their computer too hard?

It's pretty annoying and happens about once a day for no discernible reason I can uncover. It was a generally productive morning, mathematically speaking, in spite of this blue screen of death.


After a bit of a rest, we met Laura after her class and walked around the cathedral area. Having expressed that they were a bit tired of tapas, we took Emily and Renee to a Mexican place we know near the cathedral. It's not the best mexican food, but it's passable. After lunch, Renee expressed a bit of a craving for macaroni and cheese, so Laura went off to the grocery store to prep that for dinner and the rest of us walked to the Plaza de Espana:

It always looks good in clear weather under a bright blue sky.

After that, we walked along the river back to Triana and home. The oranges are nearly at peak now:


At home, Laura chatted up our guests and I worked a bit more. Emily showed me the latest in trendy figurines. Indeed she pointed them out to us at one of the markets near the cathedral. Apparently you can buy a figurine of almost any kind of person... pooping. Proof:

This is the one the Emily bought in Barcelona. I have the toilet in the background for ambiance. I may have to start a collection.


The baked mac & cheese was excellent. Laura also put together a nice green salad to offset the utterly decadent mac & cheese. She even used a bit of leftover turkey meat in the salad. That said, the leftover situation is a bit abundant at the moment. I'm going to have to get busy or some of it's going to go to waste.

They're out getting dessert–helado. I resisted. Decided to stay home and do my blog.