Thursday, October 4, 2018

Quico is Short for Francisco

Along the river walk there are lots of walls that are commissioned for murals. This one caught my eye a few weeks ago and I finally remembered to take a picture:
The sun glare was totally accidental, but a nice touch.


Laura's language school has a cultural activity once a week on Thursday's afternoons. Her instructor allows visitors to accompany students, so I went along today. The instructor, Lucia, took us to Espacio Santa Clara, an art museum. The main exhibit was a retrospective of the Spanish artist Francisco "Quico" Rivas. Interesting counter-cultural work. I took a few pictures of pieces I liked. This is a self-portrait, I think:
 These notes seem to have been rescued from a fire:
 I just kinda liked this:
 This one was my favorite. An avid prison reformer in the wake of Franco's death, each of these pieces was made by an incarcerated female. Each features an emery board:
 I appreciate the sentiment here with each passing day:
 This caravan of camels:
Lucia was very nice. She spoke Spanish slowly and clearly enough that I understood a lot of what she said. Also, she's learning English, so I didn't feel bad speaking English because it was an opportunity for her to practice. We were a small group. Laura, me and a recent high school graduate from Scotland named Scarlet. Scarlet is on a gap year before starting university.


Halloween is a thing here. This store, and many others, have Halloween displays up:


I realized today that if we have to dry our clothes on a drying rack, we're going to have to do laundry more frequently. I did a load today and tried out our new drying rack. This is the new paradigm, at least for a few weeks:
Laura and I went out and got a fan and put it in the room with the drying rack in hopes that it would accelerate the drying process. We also put the air conditioner on in that room. Hoping that they dry over night. If so, then we shouldn't have any real problems while the roof is inaccessible.