Monday, April 8, 2019

Too Much Spark

After cleaning the gas stove top this morning, the igniter on one of the eyes would not stop sparking. Laura and I looked at it for a while and watched what we thought were relevant youtube videos, but couldn't get it to stop. It was pretty loud and annoying. Finally, we just cut power to the stove top using the circuit breaker.

Fortunately, a couple hours later, I turned on the breaker and the issue had resolved itself. Hopefully, it's resolved for a couple more months, haha.


It rained pretty heavily again today. I pointed my gopro out the window and took some 240fps video of the rain. Then I used Shotcut to slow it down to 24fps. I have to say that the results are pretty impressive:

I'm looking forward to trying this on more interesting subject matter.


I had Spanish class today. This week is optional. The class was larger than usual with a number of students from a wide range of levels joining in. It was interesting, but also a bit too advanced for me. Still, good practice listening.


I have a bit of a sore throat that I hope goes away instead of turning into a full blown cold. Already, I'm getting that feeling that I may lose my voice.


Started doing final edits on a paper. I hope to submit it by Friday, but I won't rush it if it's not ready. I also started reading about probability density functions and common distributions in my stats book.