Friday, March 8, 2019

International Women's Day

Palma texted us to let us know that there was going to be a women's march here in Sevilla for International Women's Day. I checked with Laura to see if she wanted to go and she said yes, so off we went. Serendipitously, shortly after joining the march on the other side of the river, we ran into Palma. We walked together through the entire course. She provided a lot of useful context. About mid-way we were joined by Mario. The march went down the street in front the cathedral. I couldn't help but think about the centuries of patriarchy baked into that building as we went by. It ended at Plaza Nueva. Palma stayed to find her sister in the march. Laura and I walked home with Mario.


On a totally unrelated note, I noticed these books by Borges on one of the bookshelves here in the flat. He's a Spanish language (Argentine) writer whose work we read in Encounters at Whitman last year (when I was teaching it). I really liked his work, but I don't think my Spanish is near good enough to read these, haha:


I read another chapter of Hello world today. Today's chapter was about the use of AI in medicine. There is a lot of room for advancement in automated diagnosis, but our medical records are so hard to digitize that it may be many years before we can fully apply these new machine learning technologies.