Friday, June 7, 2019


I spent most of the day doing revisions on the paper. I made a figure:

I also put together a jupyter notebook that uses plotly and mapbox to show a GPS recording on a map. Here's a recording of me walking Laura to her class this afternoon and then continuing on to the gym:

At this scale, it looks like a continuous path, but if you zoom in you can see the individual locations that the phone records at a rate of one mark per second:

Zoomed in, you really begin to see the noise in the GPS data. Notice the big scattering of points in the lower-right. That's the very beginning of the recording as I exited our building. It takes a while for the GPS receiver in the phone to settle down. I find it fascinating to see the GPS activity at this level of detail. This is what can happen whenever you do mapping or directions with your phone.

Progress was good today. I finished the first pass of revisions. Now it's a matter of revising/polishing the revisions for a few days and re-submitting.


The toaster in the flat has been broken for a while. Since we never use it, we never really mentioned it to Mario. However, as our time here comes to a close, we felt like we should let him know so that the next occupants aren't surprised by a dysfunctional toaster. I let him know yesterday and, in classic Mario style, he brought us a new toaster today--even though I stressed that we didn't need it and that there was no hurry:


We noticed a little stage set up down by the river this evening:

It seemed oddly positioned to be an open concert. On closer inspection, we noticed a lot of cameras and spotlights and realized that it was actually a video shoot. There was even a gaggle of extras posing as an "audience". There's always something going on down there by the river, haha. No idea who the particular artist was.