Monday, April 29, 2019

Journal bureaucracy

In Spanish class today, we studied phrases of prohibition, obligation and permission. With May 1st on Wed and feria next week, I don't have class again for two weeks. Another gap to let my Spanish rust.


Walking home from the gym I noticed this pretty neighborhood church with some activity in front of it. I've probably walked by this church 500 times, literally, but the route to the gym had me far enough away to see it whole instead of walking right next to it:


I've finished the big edits on the paper. I started going through the instructions for authors at the journal I'm submitting to. Sheesh, they're as intense as writing the paper. Separate figure files, weird bibliography style, cover letter, conflict of interest disclosure, etc. I guess if you successfully traverse the gauntlet of publisher bureaucracy, they know you're not a crank.