Tuesday, June 4, 2019

La Portada de Corpus Cristi

My daily routine of walking Laura to class and then going to the gym has me passing by the preparations for the feast of Corpus Cristi on Plaza de San Francisco. The procession will pass through the "portadas" at each end of the plaza. I pulled together the photos I've been taking of the south portada over the past several weeks:

The oldest shot is the bottom right and then the progress goes counterclockwise to today's shot in the bottom left. There's one just like it at the north end of the plaza.


A paper I wrote last fall about using smartphone sensor data in the mathematics classroom was accepted for publication today pending some minor revisions. My hope is to knock the revisions out this week before Jo-Anne et al arrive on Sunday. The revisions look manageable, but there might be some new figures and those can take time. This evening I set up a new folder for the revision and started my referee response document, so I'm ready to go. I'll hit it hard tomorrow.


I finished up a lot of my calc III prep today. I finished reading Algorithms to Live By. It was a great read. The authors finished with a pretty lucid and philosophically deep dive into game theory. I highly recommend it. I need to think about what my next book will be.


I almost recovered from my sleep deprived trip to Italy. I think one more night at home should have me straightened out.


The street was relatively low-key this evening when I made my trash run: