I can't imagine it taking as long to take down as to put up, but I'll keep an eye on progress during our last week.
I bought a bunch of postcards and have mailed a few each day to various folks. I should've done more of this throughout the year, but just didn't.
I learned how to use Google's mapping API today. It's a bit more challenging than Mapbox. Also, less "free". Mapbox let's you use their API a lot before they start charging/limiting you. Google has pretty low free quotas. The two have their pros and cons, but I think I'm going to keep working with Mapbox for now.
Laura managed to get nearly all of the leftover picnic food out of the house today by bringing it to school with her this afternoon and feeding it to the students and teachers. With so little time left, we're already trying to eat up all the random stuff in the house, so getting all of that extra food out was a plus.
I talked to Jo-Anne for a bit this evening. She's "recovered" from the Spain trip and settling into summer in Michigan. Her book club is reading the Mueller Report. Sounds like interesting reading, but I'm not sure I have the stomach for it.
The weather is getting a bit warmer here. There was a lovely sunset this evening: