Saturday, April 6, 2019


a.k.a. Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. The exhibits here turn over every few months. We hadn't visited since Rachel and Taylor were here in December, so we figured it might be a good time to go back. This string art reminded me of work of a former art major student of mine, Maddie Webster:

I think this is work by the Spanish artist Soledad Sevilla (not from Sevilla, haha). While we were in the museum, it rained like heck outside. The rain falling into the open courtyards was pretty:

This "Russian doll" painting is permanent and recently commissioned from Ana Barriga:

I see Trump in there and maybe Putin and possibly Zuckerberg?

These are some drawings by a well-known Spanish architect, Prada Poole:

He seemed to be into low-energy, inflatable, mathematical constructions:

The museum itself is in an old ceramics factory:

The sky cleared enough for us to walk home without getting wet. This courtyard in Centro Cerámica Triana was open today. It's not part of the museum, but instead a small private museum right around the block from our flat:


The city continues to gear up for the Semana Santa processions. There will be roughly 60 processions in the city during the week leading up to Easter. Posters for the different processions are starting to appear in shop windows. This one is in the window of a bar around the corner:

I like the juxtaposition with the beer advertisement in the window. "This crucifixion and resurrection brought to you by Cruzcampo!" There are many other tastless captions running through my head right now, but I'll refrain.