Monday, July 16, 2018

Setas de Sevilla

The last part of securing our legal year-long residency here in Spain is to get our National ID cards. That appointment is coming up Thu. With Mario's help, we have a pretty good understanding of what we need to do. One step is to pay the fee associated with the National ID card. Government offices here in Spain don't collect fees like that. Instead, all banks are equipped to accept payments of government fees after which they provide you proof of payment that you then present to the government office. Long story short, we completed that part today at the bank around the corner from our flat. All went smoothly and we feel ready to present ourselves on Thu at the immigration office. Bonus, we met this little dog waiting for its master outside of the bank foyer:
Afterwards, we walked up to the grocery to cobble together the ingredients for a lasagna. Here's the finished product. It was ok, but we're thinking we need to add more sauce:
Triana is getting ready for its week-long summer fair. Tents are going up along the river:
and lights are being strung over the main square:
We have no idea what to expect, but base on pictures of previous years, it'll be packed with people all week.

This evening we walked over to the strange Setas de Sevilla. This umbrella-like structure sides incongruously in the middle of ancient neighborhoods:
If you go up on top, there are walkways that allow for nice views of the city:
It was near sunset when we went up there:
As the sun set and darkness fell, the illuminated churches all around began to stand out:
Beneath this structure are Roman ruins:
On the way home, the moon (with Venus) was beautiful (that's for you Kathy):
Unfortunately, this is a pretty out-of-focus photo.

On the math front, I met my goal today and set a new goal for tomorrow.

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