I took it with me on my run this morning and recorded a timeseries of the GPS coords. I've been messing around with Pandas, Python, the haversine function and calculus to see what kinds of information I can extract from the data (other than that I'm a slow runner, haha). I think there's a lot of potential for this in the calculus classroom as well as the computer science classroom.
Later I want to explore the accelerometers next and do some discrete Fourier analysis on time series. In theory, I should be able to identify an activity like running, walking or cycling by examining the frequency spectrum of the accelerometer data. Something like that would be a fun project in my engineering math class.
Basically I'm just geeking out on having raw access to all of these cool sensors that I know all of my students have (because they all have smartphones). The accessibility is there, just a matter of putting it to use.
This isn't quite on target for my sabbatical, but I don't mind, haha.
Saw the first real cloud/storm here off in the distance this evening:
Noticed this beautiful tile mural on the Triana Market building today:
Finally, saw this little lizard in our building courtyard today:
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