Thursday, August 2, 2018

Sometimes It's Obvious

Laura and I finally got some postcards and stamps. We've been writing a couple a day and mailing them. We've been mailing them at the big post office down in the city center. Yesterday, the first time, I wandered around the lobby looking for the mailbox until a kind security guard showed me where it was (right in front of me basically). Today I went there to mail a couple more and on the way in I noticed these on the outside of the building:
Postcards to the US go into the "extranjero" slot on the right. These are really hard to miss. Oh well.

I'm thinking of starting a series of photos of the different vehicles used by the Sevilla public works. There are sooo many. Here's one:

Laura and I went out after dinner to ditch the trash and get some dessert. It was still pretty hot out there, even at 9pm. The street was definitely less busy, but the buskers were still roaming. These two guys wander around and play guitar and sing for euros:
We hit the usual gelato place. You'd think with all the untried options, we wouldn't go back to the same place (and have the same flavor), but it's so good, I don't want to risk disappointment. This is "brownie" and it is smooottthhhhh:
Sorry this is such a crappy photo. This poor gelato deserved better.

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